About us

01 / 03 History and Milestones

History and Milestones

Our company exists since 10 years and was founded by Thomas Jung. The main aim was to support investors in all issues that the construction. Before this, the company founder was working for general contractors and project developers on all management levels for more than 12 years. The focus was on commercial buildings, like offices, hotels, senior residences, as well as soccer stadiums for the UEFA Euro 2012 in Poland.

As a consequence of the ongoing expansion, Izabela Jasińska joined the company, first as a business partner and later as a shareholder. Ms. Jasińska comes from a family of lawyers, has many years experience in the construction and real estate and is an expert in M&A. The proven cooperation of engineers and lawyers on common projects and transactions exceeded all expectations.

In order to meet the needs of our clients, during the years we’ve expanded from Poland to Germany and Austria. Today, in addition to the typical project business and optimization of construction projects, we’re offering real estate developments and M&A, architectural planning, interior design, electrical installations, HVAC installations and stage technology, together with our business partners, construction works.

We support investors, as well as general contractors and real estate funds in such a way that they count on reliable partners, even in difficult times.

Some of our highlights in chronological order:

2004 - 2006

Office building IO-1


2004 - 2006

Company seat industry automation


2005 - 2007

Culture- and business center Stary Browar


2007 - 2009

Hotel ****S Andel's


2009 - 2012

Polish National Stadium - Warsaw


2009 - 2012

PGE Arena


2009 - 2012

Cracovia Stadion



Chipboard plant



Hotel **** Holiday Inn



National Forum of Music



Jordanki Cultural and Convention Center


2016 - 2017

Ogrodowa 8 Office



VW showroom



Mogilska 43 Office



Mercedes-Benz showroom



Health center



Hotel *****



Qubes - Technologie Campus


02 / 03 Values and culture

Values and culture

Our enthusiasm for construction projects is based on reliable, stable and successful relationships with customers, employees and partners. Our work is characterized by the will, passion and know-how of all those involved in the process.

Our mission is derived directly from these values and we oblige ourselves to these maxims. Our day-to-day work is defined by:



  • Only necessary formalism
  • Efficient solutions
  • No bureaucracy



  • Commitment and identification with the task
  • Pleasure of work
  • Honesty and loyalty



  • Result orientation and handshake quality
  • Interest in detailed knowledge, but also head, heart and courage



  • Constant focus on costs and solution-oriented optimization
  • Close to reality
03 / 03 Management


Izabela Jasińska

Izabela Jasińska

JJC board member and attorney

Attorney and member of the Warsaw Bar Association, graduate of the Faculty of Law and Administration at the University of Warsaw, the American Law Center and social psychology at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities in Warsaw. During her law studies, Izabela studied at the University of Bonn as part of the Erasmus program and completed numerous management and business training courses.

Attorney Izabela Jasińska works as a managing partner in the law office Jasińscy & Partners (http://www.jasinska-legal.pl/) , where she is responsible for real estate and construction projects. She is representing clients in mediation and court proceedings.

Izabela is fluent in Polish, English and speaks German very well.

Some of the most interesting activities Izabela has been involved in during her career:

  • Comprehensive – legal and commercial – support of investment processes;
  • Negotiations with general contractors, subcontractors and suppliers;
  • Advice on buying and selling real estate;
  • Legal audits and due diligence, collaboration with engineering firms and project developers;
  • Contract review and negotiations, as well as settlement of claims against contractors and defending claims from contractors;
  • Legal advice on projects in Germany, both for Polish contractors and suppliers;
  • Cooperation with German law firms – including VOB contracts;
  • Comprehensive processing of M&A transactions;
Thomas Jung

Thomas Jung

JJC board member

Graduated from the Technical University of Warsaw / Kozminski University of Warsaw (Construction Engineering and Management). Graduated from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Warsaw (Corporate Management and International Taxation). Various trainings in construction technology, calculation, tendering and HOAI.

Thomas has over 20 years of experience in construction business and is personally involved in most projects. Since operational work on construction projects is hie favorite activity, he and his team participated in many technical due diligence projects and transactions for the sale and purchase of real estate in Poland and in German-speaking countries.

Thomas is fluent in German, English and Polish.

Some of the most interesting activities Thomas has been involved in during his career:

New buildings

  • National Stadium in Warsaw, GFA 200,000 m2, 58,500 seats;
  • PGE Arena soccer stadium in Gdańsk, 41,500 seats;
  • Cracovia soccer stadium in Kraków, 15,300 seats;
  • Office building IO-1 in Warsaw, GFA 39,000 m2;
  • Office building Q22 in Warsaw, GFA 91,100 m2;
  • Office building Ogrodowa 8 Office in Łódź, GFA 41,500 m2;
  • Office building Lixa, construction phase II in Warsaw, GFA 19,300 m2;
  • Office building Mogilska 43 in Kraków, GFA 24,300 m2;
  • Hotel in Katowice, category ****, GFA 12,600 m2, 268 rooms;
  • Hotel Crowne Plaza in Warsaw, Category **** 212 rooms GFA 10,700 m2;
  • Hotel Holiday Inn in Warsaw, category *** 218 rooms, GFA 10,400 m2;
  • Hotel in Kraków, category ****, GFA 14,500 m2, 259 rooms;
  • Hotel Holiday Inn in Warsaw, category ****, GFA 14,000 m2, 256 rooms;
  • Hotel in Munich, category ***, GFA 12,400 m2, 172 rooms;
  • Jordanki Culture and Congress Center in Toruń, GFA 18,600 m2,
    concert hall with 882 seats;
  • ICE Congress Center in Kraków, GFA 37,000 m2,
    concert halls with 300 – 2,000 seats;
  • National Symphony Orchestra in Katowice, GFA 35,100 m2,
    concert halls with 300 – 1,800 seats;
  • Museum of the Second World War in Gdańsk, GFA 26,000 m2,
    concert hall with 300 seats;
  • IKEA Port Łódź in Łódź, GFA 60,000 m2;
  • Faculty of Chemistry at the University of Gdańsk, GFA 28,000 m2;
  • Particle accelerator Solaris in Kraków, GFA 6,000 m2;
  • Mercedes Benz showroom in Warsaw, GFA 5,600 m2;
  • 6 nursing homes (2 in Poland, 4 in Germany) GFA between 5,100 m2 and 16,200 m2;
  • Apartment complex in Poznań, GFA 6,000 m2, 128 residential units;
  • Chipboard plant in Opole, production hall 35,000 m2 plus infrastructure;
  • Numerous tenant fit-outs in our clients’ office buildings;


Renovations and extensions

  • Office complex Textorial Park in Łódź, GFA 18,000 m2;
  • Hotel Andels in Łódź, category ****S, GFA 40,000 m2, 278 rooms;
  • INEA soccer stadium in Poznań, 43,300 seats;
  • Concert Hall National Music Forum in Wrocław, GFA 48,500 m2,
  • Concert halls from 120 to 1,800 seats;
  • Stary Browar Shopping Center in Poznań, GFA 130,000 m2;