We pay a lot attention to provide a professional and discreet legal advisory to our clients. We use our wide-ranging expertise and use this profitable.




Competences and areas of expertise

01 / 06 Construction and real estate law

Construction and real estate law

We provide following services for our customers:

  • We represent investors in purchase and sale of real estate, negotiate and assist in concluding of all real estate contracts and legal documents
  • We perform legal property due diligence and cooperate with engineers during technical due diligence
  • We regulate the legal status of real estate and eliminate legal defects
  • We advise during real estate investments, with focus on commercial real estate, hotels, healthcare facilities and residential buildings
  • We support in the event of restitution and compensation claims for real estate;
  • We advise during construction projects and tenders, cost optimization and contracts with executing companies
  • We deal with questions of zoning plans, in particular planning possibilities of real estate (regulation of local zoning plans, advice and support during establishment and modification)
  • We advise on financing of purchase and development of real estate, negotiate credit agreements and securities
  • We have extensive experience in investment management for commercial and residential property developers
  • We draft and negotiate rental and lease agreements for commercial and private facilities
  • We represent in disputes related to unforeseeable market changes (e.g. in the event of price increases of building materials and construction works). Furthermore, we represent in the event of a contract withdrawal and unjustified drawing of bank and insurance guarantees
  • We advise on claims due to delays in construction, inadequate planning documents and execution, settlement of additional work and changes, general construction costs, contractual penalties, and other claims
02 / 06 M&A transactions, corporate and business law

M&A transactions, corporate and business law

We’ve got extensive experience in purchase and sale, transformation, split and merger of companies and their organized parts. We develop comprehensive strategies for our clients – from a legal, technical, tax and business perspective – that are tailored to their needs and with which they can achieve their goals quickly and effectively.


In the case of cross-border transactions, we work together with our long-term partners and provide our clients with the following services in particular:

  • Selection of the prefered company form – from a legal, tax and business point of view – depending on the project
  • Comprehensive service to find the most economic capital investment, even in case of cross-border transactions
  • Negotiations on behalf of the client with foreign entrepreneurs and real estate owners
  • Support and advice in finding, acquiring or renting the most favorable location for projects, especially in German-speaking countries
  • Comprehensive advice on real estate investments in Poland, Germany, Austria or other countries
  • Ensuring contractual security during the construction phase of a project
  • Ongoing advice on running the business
  • Establishment and transformation of companies in Poland, Germany and Austria
  • Creation of adequate and comprehensive documentation concerning labor law, contracts and personal data
03 / 06 Contract law

Contract law

Drafting contracts, we meet the business expectations of our clients and partners using our expert knowledge. We have many years experience in contracts, legal opinions, identifying risks and protecting client’s interests. Well-structured contracts build future relationships, protect you in court, save money and time.

We advise on legal, business and technical contract provisions in every phase of construction projects, negotiate, draft and check in particular following types of contracts:

  • With general contractors, subcontractors and suppliers of goods and services
  • Rental and leasing of commercial and private facilities
  • All types of real estate contracts
  • Financing – internal (e.g. cash pooling) and external (financing, leasing) and we develop appropriate securities
  • Agencies, sales and service contracts
  • Sales – for producers, suppliers and dealers for various types of sales, considering aspects of financial liquidity, protection of intellectual property, know-how and competition law
  • Supplies – in individual cases, but also in the case of general, comprehensive regulations of the production process in relation to parts and finished products in the event of expansion of business activity in Poland and in German-speaking countries
  • Service – for maintenance of equipment, machines and components
  • Securing intellectual property of the client
  • General terms and conditions, contract templates and, advertising and marketing measures of the client
  • Other agreements when cooperating with companies
04 / 06 Litigation


We represent Polish and foreign companies in court proceedings, the Supreme Court and administrative courts in Poland and in German-speaking countries. In particular, customers appreciate experience and efficiency in conducting legal disputes relating to construction investments.

We have also successfully completed litigations of merger and acquisition, commercial contracts, bankruptcies and overturn of court decisions.

Together with our partners, we effectively represent Polish clients in court disputes in German-speaking countries, as well as foreign clients in Poland.


We represent clients in particular in the following court proceedings

  • Construction disputes
  • Civil and commercial proceedings
  • Cross-border disputes
  • Proceedings before courts of all instances
  • Post M&A and corporate litigation
  • Proceedings before the Supreme Court and the Administrative Court
  • Execution of foreign judgements


05 / 06 White Collar Crime

White Collar Crime

As defense lawyers for suspects, accused persons and convicts at all stages of proceedings, we have extensive experience in criminal law, criminal tax law and business matters. We also take part in criminal proceedings as representatives of injured parties

We advise management boards, supervisory board members and proxies during their activities in connection with criminal law regulations

We handle cases such as: corporate damage, image protection in criminal proceedings, document offences, bribe in management positions, creditor offences, fraud

We also guide through cases – starting from the investigation process – in case of VAT fraud, undisclosed incomes, fictious transactions and use of forged documents

We have acquired the knowledge by representing clients in cases related to theft and white-collar crimes.

06 / 06 International Law and Cross-Border Investments

International Law and Cross-Border Investments

We have extensive experience representing clients in case of cross-border investments from the legal and commercial point of view.

We establish companies and branches in Poland and German-speaking countries. We choose the most beneficial strategies and schedules – therefore our clients benefit when investing their capital abroad.

As a business partner, we execute project developments together with our clients.